There are 9 major siddhis : Most of the siddhi's were heard to be achieved through years of deep upasana.
Parkaya Pravesha: Parkaya Pravesh means one’s soul entering into the body of some other person or animal or bird . Through this knowledge even a dead body can be brought to life.
Haadi Vidya: This Vidya or knowledge has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On acquiring this Vidya, a person feels neither hunger nor thirst, and can remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.
Kaadi Vidya: Just as one does not feel hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya, similarly in Kaadi Vidya a person is not affected by change of seasons, i.e. by summer, winter, rain, etc. After accomplishing this Vidya, a person shall not feel cold even if he sits in the snow-laden mountains, and shall not feel hot even if he sits in the fire.
Vayu Gaman Siddhi: Through this Siddhi a person can become capable of flying in the skies and traveling from one place to another in just a few seconds.
Madalasa Vidya: On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body according to his wish. Lord Hanuman had miniaturized his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka.
Kanakdhara Siddhi: One can acquire immense and unlimited wealth through this Siddhi.
Prakya Sadhana: Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a woman who is childless or cannot bear children.
Surya Vigyan: This solar science is one of the most significant sciences of ancient India[citation needed]. This science has been known only to the Indian Yogis[citation needed]; using it, one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of sun rays.
As per patanjali there are 8 siddhis of Yoga :
Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom
Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size
Garima: becoming infinitely heavy
Laghima: becoming almost weightless
Prāpti: having unrestricted access to all places
Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires
Iṣṭva: possessing absolute lordship;
Vaśtva: the power to subjugate all.
Parkaya Pravesha: Parkaya Pravesh means one’s soul entering into the body of some other person or animal or bird . Through this knowledge even a dead body can be brought to life.
Haadi Vidya: This Vidya or knowledge has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On acquiring this Vidya, a person feels neither hunger nor thirst, and can remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.
Kaadi Vidya: Just as one does not feel hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya, similarly in Kaadi Vidya a person is not affected by change of seasons, i.e. by summer, winter, rain, etc. After accomplishing this Vidya, a person shall not feel cold even if he sits in the snow-laden mountains, and shall not feel hot even if he sits in the fire.
Vayu Gaman Siddhi: Through this Siddhi a person can become capable of flying in the skies and traveling from one place to another in just a few seconds.
Madalasa Vidya: On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body according to his wish. Lord Hanuman had miniaturized his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka.
Kanakdhara Siddhi: One can acquire immense and unlimited wealth through this Siddhi.
Prakya Sadhana: Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a woman who is childless or cannot bear children.
Surya Vigyan: This solar science is one of the most significant sciences of ancient India[citation needed]. This science has been known only to the Indian Yogis[citation needed]; using it, one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of sun rays.
As per patanjali there are 8 siddhis of Yoga :
Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom
Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size
Garima: becoming infinitely heavy
Laghima: becoming almost weightless
Prāpti: having unrestricted access to all places
Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires
Iṣṭva: possessing absolute lordship;
Vaśtva: the power to subjugate all.
"Buddhism teaches that after a practitioner achieves a certain degree of realization, spiritual power develops. Furthermore, it is religion teaches that after a practitioner achieves a certain degree of realization, spiritual power develops. Furthermore, supernatural powers are not attainable exclusively JUST by religion only, but possible for anyone who has deep religious and spiritual work to develop some kind of 'super normal powers.