Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The Spiritual Path :(Part 1)

Any sudden removal of a spiritual blockage or receiving divine bliss either as a result of your very own deep prayer to Guru or as a result of the blessing received through a Saint - with or without a physical body - may result in a sudden increase or "awakening" of the Kundalini Shakti. If heat develops in the area of your spine - where Chandra , surya and madhya, the three main Nadis are leading through all spiritual levels of your being into your physical body - that simply means there is still lots of resistance to the flow of this divine and powerful energy. Let faithfully all this resistance is burnt up by the divine force of the Kundalini Shakti. But beware of premature forceful "awakening" of this power. This could eventually result in destruction of the nervous system of your physical body for the remainder of present incarnation. However if the "awakening" just happened as a result of harmonious spiritual progress or receiving divine bliss, just let it do its work to free yourself and consciously connect you to Universal flow of energy . It is a process initiating the final steps toward Souls-Union. Have faith in the power of divine love and bliss, relax, open yourself for the master, and keep your mind concentrating on nothing but divine love and Guru-charan (Lotus –Feet). Take as much time as possible, reducing your daily duties and work to the absolute minimum necessary and devoting as much as possible to continue spiritual progress even further. Ask for more spiritual guidance on your way to spiritual progress and you shall receive it and all the love and bliss necessary to accomplish the final steps of your evolution. Be ready to offer the master anything left that could keep you from going these final and necessary steps to spiritual progress - if you wish so you may at this time even offer him all your physical existence on earth or where ever you may be at that time. The life on earth and in other spheres serves but one single purpose - to grow up as a divine sadhak of the master and to finally stay within or next to Universal source of energy for the remainder of eternity. So one day you have reached this goal, just drop anything and everything left that could eventually separate you from Souls-Union. Drop it by offering it to Guru; ask him to remove anything from you that still keeps you away from your Cosmic Lover. Some beings are working and waiting millions of years for this moment to occur. For some it may be a very familiar process, because they may have experienced it previously in earlier incarnations, for others it may be the very first time to experience it. Therefore always follow what your soul suggest you to do, It shall lead you to where you actually belong that is , in the arms of nature, to become one with it.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Prayers : How Does It Work ?

1.    Introduction to the mechanism of prayer

When faced with difficult or insurmountable situations in day-to-day life, like the loss of a valuable, an incurable illness, a major financial problem, etc., people pray to God or to an aspect of Him, also known as a deity. These are prayers with material or worldly expectations.
Seekers of God, whose main focus in life is spiritual growth, also pray regularly to God not only in difficult situations but even in day-to-day situations. The prayers, however, are not about worldly expectations but about their spiritual growth and are said as a part of their spiritual practice.

It is important to note that when there is any problem or difficulty in life, the root cause can be physical, mental or spiritual in nature. Research carried out by SSRF shows that up to 80% of the people have problem caused in their spiritual realm. Destiny and departed ancestors are two very important factors in the spiritual causes of problems in life.

2. How are prayers answered? What is the mechanism?

2.1 Who answers our prayers?

·         The following diagram shows who answers our prayers depending on the type of prayer. Generally, the prayer differs as per the spiritual level of the person. For example, a person who is at a 30% spiritual level will more often than not pray for worldly things. A person at the 50% spiritual level will more often than not pray for spiritual progress. Accordingly, the prayers are answered by various subtle energies in the Universe. What is interesting is that even negative energies answer prayers, either where harm is requested and/or to entrap a person under their influence by initially granting their wishes. For example, as shown in the diagram below, a person who prays for the death of another person will be helped by a negative subtle entity from the 4th Region of Hell. Prayers for worldly benefit are generally responded to by lower deities or lower positive energies. Prayers for spiritual growth are responded to by higher-level deities and higher positive energies.

·         When we make a prayer with expectation to God or a specific deity, such as asking for a job or overcoming an illness, our prayers, as stated earlier, are answered by lower-level deities or lower positive energies. Let us take the example of a person who has prayed intensely for a job. If it is in the person’s destiny to be without a job for five years, then the lower positive energy or the lower-level deity can answer the prayer by pushing out this five year jobless period to somewhere later in the person’s life. Thus, the person still has to go through a phase of being jobless. (This is because regardless of anything, one has to undergo one’s destiny and it can only be overcome by one’s spiritual practice.)
·         Sometimes higher-level deities also help the worldly situation of a seeker if it is causing an obstacle in their spiritual growth.

2.2 How are prayers answered?

·         When a person prays, they remember God intensely and have an intimate dialogue with Him about issues very close to their heart. By the law of reflex action, God also feels closer to them.
·         Prayers have the ability to activate the deity principles (aspects of God) in the Universe. The subtlest frequencies are generated when one pays gratitude along with the prayer. These frequencies have the ability to not only activate but also touch the deity; hence the deity principle is activated faster. This activation of the deity principle (aspect of God) results in fulfilment of prayers. The deities bring about the fulfilment of prayers by the power to resolve. 

Example of prayers followed by gratitude:
-   Lord, may I do all activities in this entire day as my spiritual practice. Lord, I expressgratitude at your Holy Feet for having given me the thought, and for getting this prayer done through me.

-Lord, Please let me get this Job, I really need it. Lord Please accept my gratitude for giving me the thought to pray

Prayers attract subtle divine frequencies towards the person and as a result, the essence around the person is destroyed. Thus, the environment surrounding the person becomes comparatively more positive. As the subtle basic sattva component in the surrounding environment is increased, the thoughts of the person are reduced and they also become sāttvik. This is because the mind is influenced by the external environment.

·         Prayer increases the particles of the subtle basic sattva component in the vital body sheath. When we pay gratitude, the particles of the subtle basic Sattva component in the mental body sheath increase. Thus, prayer, complemented with gratitude, results in spiritual purification of the vital body and mental body sheaths.
For further information about the vital and mental body, Because of spiritual purification of the vital body sheath and mental body sheath, the impressions in both the sheaths begin to be destroyed. As the impressions are reduced, thoughts about oneself are minimised and attraction towards worldly things (Māyā) decreases. This leads to an increase in desire for God and a yearning to merge with Him. Also, as both sheaths are purified, negative energies cannot enter the body.

·         When we pray, we accept our inability to solve a problem ourselves and hence, in seeing ourselves as lesser, our ego is reduced. With a reduction in ego there is a temporary rise in spiritual level. This causes a temporary increase in subtle basic Sattva component. Further, when we pay gratitude, it generates humility in us which has an even greater positive effect on our spiritual level. Hence, our communion with God increases. This rise in the subtle basic Sattva component itself increases our capacity to overcome or bear the problem.

2.    When do our prayers work?

In our life, 65% of events happen as per destiny. Destined events are those events that we have no control over.
Destined events, both good and bad, are bound to happen in our lives. Bad destined events may be an illness or a bad marriage. The average person mainly prays to God when bad events happen in their life. They pray to God to relieve the bad event. However, we find that our prayers are not always answered.
So what is the law? When does prayer override a bad destined event so that with the prayer, the event itself does not happen or at least we are insulated from it?
The rule of thumb is:
·         If the prayer is stronger than the intensity of the destined event, then the prayer will be answered.
·         If the intensity of the destiny is stronger than the prayer, then the prayer will be answered partially or not at all.

4. What decides the effectiveness of one’s prayer?

The following factors add to the effectiveness of the prayer:
·         spiritual  level of the person praying – the higher the spiritual level, the more effective is their prayer.
·         Quality of prayer - whether the prayer is mechanical, heartfelt, or with spiritual emotion (bhāv) from the seeker.
·         For whom is one praying (i.e., whether for self or others) – When we pray for others, the spiritual strength required is much more. The greater the number of people in society intended to be affected by the event, the greater is the spiritual strength required to effect the desired result. Only Saints of a higher order can effect change in society.
·         Ego - Lower ego contributes to the effectiveness of prayer.
·         What prayer posture (mudrā) is a person using? This becomes a major factor for the majority of people, as the above factors are lesser in most people.

4.1 The spiritual level of a person and prayer

The spiritual level of a person praying is one of the main criteria in deciding the effectiveness of the prayer.
·         For seekers above the 60% spiritual level, prayer is not required. They act from the spiritual emotion/feeling that ‘Let everything happen as per God’s will.’ They actually experience that everything in their lives is happening and is provided for by God’s grace. Their mind is constantly in a state of gratitude to God. Once this state is achieved, prayer is not needed.
·         Prayers of people who are below the 30% spiritual level lack potency and at best they provide them with only psychological benefit. This is because the covering of ego is too great for their prayers to reach the deity principle.
·         Thus, we can see that prayer works most effectively for people between the spiritual level of 30-60%

Astha Siddhi's :The 8 major abilities human can posses through deep sadhana

There are 9 major siddhis : Most of the siddhi's were heard to be achieved through years of deep upasana. 

Parkaya Pravesha: Parkaya Pravesh means one’s soul entering into the body of some other person or animal or bird . Through this knowledge even a dead body can be brought to life.

Haadi Vidya: This Vidya or knowledge has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On acquiring this Vidya, a person feels neither hunger nor thirst, and can remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.

Kaadi Vidya: Just as one does not feel hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya, similarly in Kaadi Vidya a person is not affected by change of seasons, i.e. by summer, winter, rain, etc. After accomplishing this Vidya, a person shall not feel cold even if he sits in the snow-laden mountains, and shall not feel hot even if he sits in the fire.

Vayu Gaman Siddhi: Through this Siddhi a person can become capable of flying in the skies and traveling from one place to another in just a few seconds.

Madalasa Vidya: On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body according to his wish. Lord Hanuman had miniaturized his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka.

Kanakdhara Siddhi: One can acquire immense and unlimited wealth through this Siddhi.

Prakya Sadhana: Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a woman who is childless or cannot bear children.

Surya Vigyan: This solar science is one of the most significant sciences of ancient India[citation needed]. This science has been known only to the Indian Yogis[citation needed]; using it, one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of sun rays.

As per patanjali there are 8 siddhis of Yoga :

Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom

Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size

Garima: becoming infinitely heavy

Laghima: becoming almost weightless

Prāpti: having unrestricted access to all places

Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires

Iṣṭva: possessing absolute lordship;

Vaśtva: the power to subjugate all.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Meditate with water

Dear Sadhaks,
Here is an introduction to this new concept , you may like to try this out .
Meditate with Water
 ·          Fill a bathtub with water of a   temperature that feels right to you. Place a glass of clean drinking water nearby in case you get thirsty. You might want to light a beeswax or soya candle and turn off the lights. (I find turning off the bathroom lights to be an enhancement, possibly because any artificial light changes the energy of the room.)

·         Before stepping into the filled tub, ask Water to cleanse, heal, and purify the deepest pain inside of you, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. Your active participation in asking for healing is very important. When I ask for a healing from Water, I sense welcoming and healing love enveloping me as I step into the tub; it almost feels as if the water reaches out to take care of me.

·         Once settled and soaking, breathe slowly and deeply. Ask for a message about your pain. Its source will usually be identified almost immediately, and more information may be provided about how to help enhance the healing, such as singing or reciting a mantra ("Om" works well). I've had some profound spiritual healing with this water meditation. For example, I've been given the insight about why some relationships affect me the way they do and how to heal the part of me that is vulnerable. Even if you don't sense a message during your bath, you will always sense and feel the healing results soon after and throughout the day. Just be a witness -- in a meditative way -- during the bath, so you can just "be" and receive. Let yourself feel free to go with the flow.

·         After about 20 minutes, thank the Waters that reside within you. Also, express thanks to the waters of the tub for the healing, and then step out of the tub. Saying "thank you" for water's healing upon entering and during the bath is helpful too, because the energy of gratitude is healing in its own right and will help elevate the vibration of the water in the tub and in your body.

·         As a variation, stir in 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom salts combined with about 5 drops of your favorite natural essential oil essence (lavender and tangerine are both good choices). Stir in the Epsom salts as you fill the tub; add the oil essence after the tub is filled and just before you enter it. For your very first healing bath, try to experience it without any additions. For future baths, you may want to experiment with salts, oils, herbs, or flower petals in the bath and soft music or rock crystals nearby. As you learn what resonates best for you, you can customize your baths to take care of your emotional and health needs.

Marks notes that the water energy for your healing can always be found within your body, but sometimes the water needs a little help being charged and activated. Thinking about this one day, I asked the water of my body to provide a healing, following much of the same process as when having this bath. I went to the well within. While not as powerful as an actual bath, I was given a meaningful healing nonetheless.
Hope this help you , get more close to your soul to seek the ultimate truth.

Hope this help you get more close to your soul, and help you find the answer you seek to the ultimate truth. By the way this isnt the technique i discovered.

With Love and regards
Samarpan Ambareesh

Kutch Samarpan Asharam

Dear Sadhaks,

My visit to Kutch asharam been wonderful experience for me, not because the sadhaks who work , who live and who do gurukarya in their are so devoted and helpful to samarpan family, but also because I had learnt few lessons from there when I had first come to Kutch for Darshan shibir tour in there. The Beach is all blue, with white sand all around in Mandvi, which is quite refreshing and I personally found it great for spending time with your soul and also good for meditation purpose. I feel Kutch was a diamond, hidden under the dirt of despair and fear which didn’t let the rise of this enormously rich culture.

I have been to the Kund (Pool) of Kutch Ganga which made me feel so relaxed that I felt like sleeping all day. The water of Kutch Ganga is so Pure and rich in minerals, you dare not miss drinking the same from the main source.

I also went to White Rann which is situated 126 Kms away from Bhuj. That land is totally covered with White salt, the air also consist salt in it. If you want to enjoy going to that place called White Rann like I did, please check your calendars few weeks before because white Rann looks marvelous in the full moon night. You won’t remember any thoughts from your past nor would you feel worried about your future. You must not forget to take sufficient food and water supplies with you, and in case you want to sit and meditate please also get a Thick Plastic matt because I am regretting why I didn’t bring it with me. There is more to it but I will explain later.
For more details you can visit the Exhibition of Kutch Culture in Gurupoornima 2011 from 13th till 16th July 2011.

The main focus now is Gurupoornima 2011, which shall held in Kutch in premises of Kutch Asharam for the First time. There will be more than 8500 people who would come and meditate together in one place, how amazing is that?
When on the special day so many people shall receive Diksha, and spiritual energies of the universe shall focus its flow on the land of Kutch samarpan asharam, all the souls of not only Kutch asharam but the whole of Kutch shall get rejuvenated by the spiritual flow of Guru shakti’s. Everyone in this world can get connected to this extraordinary event of spiritual world with the help of Online projection of the Gurupoornima event.

I can already feel how eager you are to see Kutch samarpan asharam, but don’t you worry, soon you shall see how the Kutch asharam shall become hub for the flow of universal spiritual energy once the Guru Murti is set inside the Gurushakti Dham for eternity.

Don’t forget that you can always visit Kutch Asharam as you please, and can provide your contribution to the Gurukarya in any desired way.

I hope you shall enjoy the event of Gurupoornima 2011 this July on your computer screens or on the Ground live in front of your eyes and shall post your views over the same.

With Love and Regards,

Samarpan Ambareesh
