Sunday, 4 September 2011

Experiences of Sadhaks (United States)

 ||Jai Baba Swami ||
[Experience Of sadhaks]

Here is the small update/experience I would like to share on the blogspot. If you all think it has a appropriate content, then please put up on blog. I will be glad to see it there.

From the Samarpan calender I learned that 6th-13th Aug is assigned as 'shibir days'. So we (me and my roommate) organized a one-day video shibir in my town, Fayetteville (AR, USA) this Poornima  that is, 13th Aug 2011. The weather in the beginning of Aug set the records for very high temperatures in the town. I have attached the recorded temperatures for each day in august. And we can see that miraculously the temperature of the 'shibir days' were not only low, but there was rain!! We just couldn't believe it that in this week there was so pleasant weather. And as a peak of this wonderful weather we saw  the most amazing scene just one day before(12th Aug) the shibir while making the Prasad. We saw Baba gave darshan across the seven seas :-) There were two beautiful rainbows in the sky : I have attached the pictures herewith (I am sorry files are too big).
As a update, few people joined the workshop. And one american lady has continued for 45 days follow-up.

Jai Baba Swami!!